Jet fuel

Aviation kerosene is a specialised type of petroleum-based fuel used to power aircraft. It is generally of higher quality than regular fuel. Therefore, there are strict quality and safety requirements for refining aviation fuels.

Semberina Refinery offers jet fuel prices at a competitive production price. Request the current pricing sheet from our operational authorised agents.
Aviation turbine fuel

Aviation fuels
are fuels used for
aircraft propulsion

Aviation fuel designed for use in aircraft powered by gas-turbine engines. It is colorless to straw-colored in appearance. The most commonly used fuels for commercial aviation are Jet A and Jet A-1, which are produced to a standardized international specification.

The only other jet fuel commonly used in civilian turbine-engine powered aviation is Jet B, which is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance.

Jet fuel is a mixture of a variety of hydrocarbons. Because the exact composition of jet fuel varies widely based on petroleum source, it is impossible to define jet fuel as a ratio of specific hydrocarbons. Jet fuel is therefore defined as a performance specification rather than a chemical compound.

Efficient combustion

Semberina Refinery jet fuel is a premium aircraft turbine engine fuel that gives clean and efficient combustion as well as good high- and low-temperature performance.

Jet A

Jet A-1 type aviation fuel, also called JP-1A is used globally in the turbine engines (jet engines, turboprops) in civil aviation.


Flash point

The range of molecular mass between hydrocarbons is defined by the requirements for the product, such as the freezing point or smoke point.

Jet A specification fuel has been used in the United States since the 1950s and is usually not available outside the United States.



Excellent handling

The excellent handling properties are attributable to superior cleanliness, ready water separation characteristics, and outstanding storage stability.


Freezing point

TS-1 specification has somewhat higher volatility than Jet A-1 (flash point is 28°C (82 °F) minimum). It has a very low freezing point, below −50 °C (−58 °F).

The TS-1 specification are in full compliance with the technical requirements and in accordance with GOST R 52050-2006 and GOST 10227-86 standards.




TS-1 is a jet fuel made to Russian standard GOST 10227 for enhanced cold-weather performance.

Quality and integrity

Stringent quality control is maintained throughout the supply and distribution system to ensure the delivery of clean, dry, and on-spec fuel.

Jet B

Jet A-1 type aviation fuel, also called JP-1A is used globally in the turbine engines (jet engines, turboprops) in civil aviation.



A blend of approximately 30% kerosene and 70% gasoline makes Jet B a lighter composition and more dangerous to handle.

Jet B is a naphtha-kerosene fuel that is used for its enhanced cold-weather performance. It has a very low freezing point of −60 °C (−76 °F), and a low flash point as well.

It is primarily used in northern Canada and Alaska, where the extreme cold makes its low freezing point necessary, and which helps mitigate the danger of its lower flash point.

Safety requirements

Semberina Refinery supplies superior-quality jet fuels that meet or exceed stringent requirements for worldwide fuel handling and product standards set by the industry. Our product integrity system assures that the proper checks and tests are performed at each step in the distribution system.


ASTM D910 / ASTM D6227 / ASTM D1655

The Semberina Refinery-certified laboratory is equipped with modern equipment specifically designed for controlling aviation kerosene quality to meet strict international standards.

Sales offer

Semberina Refinery supplies jet fuel and aviation gasoline to the general aviation industry. Aviation product sales are supported by teams that provide marketing decision analysis.

European product origin
Pickup from oil depots and tank farms
Oil refinery pricing
NCNDA commissions protected
SGS certification
European Union delivery routes
Faster shipments and delivery
Rolls and extensions contracts

What we supply

A basic distinction is made between the four different aviation fuels. Semberina Oil Company supplies the following jet fuel specifications as below:

Jet A

Jet fuel (Jet A-1 type aviation fuel, also called JP-1A) is used globally in the turbine engines (jet engines, turboprops) in civil aviation.


TS-1 is a jet fuel made to Russian standard GOST 10227 for enhanced cold-weather performance.

Jet B

This aviation fuel is used for military jets. This special blend (grade Jet B, also called JP-4) of about 65% gasoline and 35% kerosene.


Aviation gasoline is also called avgas for short. This aviation fuel is usually only used in the older piston engines of sports aircraft and small private aircraft.


Semberina Refinery can refine aviation kerosene in strict accordance with your specifications. Send your specification for approval.

Your specification
Improved fuel economy without compromises

Diesel fuel

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